CorrectedTime Update - Summer 2021

17th August 2021
Racing is not just about numbers. For some competitors, it's the context, the memories, the experience.
Public photos and your choice of wind scale

Ernie I can't believe you beat me by 20 seconds on handicap.
Eric Was that the drifter on Sunday?
Ernie Nop...

CorrectedTime Update - Spring 2021

25th May 2021
New Features
  • Score by Boat
  • Remove Google Analytics
  • Remove Cookies Notification
  • Import an event during signup

Bug Fixes
  • Update PYS and Boa...

Thinking like a Race Officer

16th November 2020

Your first time running races might be daunting.

Sailors ready for a race start

In fact, every race may feel daunting,...